This is something I have started debating. I know when I go back to work that I would be unable to continue with cloth diapers because almost all daycare's won't allow them. So the question is: Is it worth using cloth diapers for only 4 months? Also, are cloth diapers harder to use (for Steven of course)? I have done some research about the subject and these are the main points I found...
* Skin Care & Health concerns: Cloth is generally better for two reasons, you can tell when your child needs to be changed (therefore less rashes) and because they do not use any weird by products (EPA). Also, babies are more comfortable in cloth diapers.
* Convenience: Disposables, no question! Also, disposable diapers do not leak as much as cloth diapers.
* Environmental: Disposable diapers make up a huge part of the garbage we dump in our nation's landfills every year but on the other hand laundering diapers uses up a lot of energy and water, and the detergents used pollute the nation's waters. So you can decided whats more important to you.
* Cost: This depends... cloth has a more expensive start up rate (but not if you get them second hand), if you use a laundry service cloth diapers can be more pricey. If you wash them yourself or the laundry service provides everything, cloth diapering can be less expensive.
In conclusion, as a first time mom who plans on going back to work and will have to use disposables anyway, if only for daycare, whats the best option? Personally, I am "on the fence." Stevens cousin said she would help me get started with cloth diapers but the convenience of disposables is hard to pass up!
Note: This is intended to be an interesting discussion, not a war!
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